Magic by Tim Ellis

iDrop Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive iDrop
Trick by Tim Ellis - From $49.99

"Tim has taken a classic plot - the apparent destruction of a borrowed item - and made the moment of truth both harrowing and hysterical. It...

Ultimate Blades Magic download (ebook)
Ultimate Blades
Magic download (ebook) by Tim Ellis - 10.00

This is Tim Ellis' acclaimed version of the classic 'Razor Blade Swallowing' effect. You take five razorblades, each blade slices...

Runaround Sue Cups & Balls DVD Ellis & Webster DVD
Runaround Sue Cups & Balls DVD Ellis & Webster
DVD by Tim Ellis - 30.00

A 1 hour DVD containing the full explanation of Tim's entire FISM award winning routine. Tim Ellis is one of the most energetic and captivating...

24 Years of Living Next Door to Ellis DVD
24 Years of Living Next Door to Ellis
DVD by Tim Ellis - 35.00

Tim and Sue-Anne have adapted one of there incredible lectures into 3 hours of wonder on this incredible DVD. Ellis & Webster have been known to...